Host Families For Exchange Students

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Being a host family is a great way to give to others. Foreign exchange students are anxiously waiting to be matched with a host family that can show them how great America is.

-You do not have to be married OR have children to be a host parent!

-You pay no fees for being a volunteer. Our foreign exchange students cover any tuition costs and have their own spending money. All we ask is that you save a spot for them at the dinner table, a way to school, and supply a bed to sleep in!

-You will receive a $50 deduction on your taxes for EVERY month you host your student. That’s $500 for a school year!

-This is a selfless way to learn more about another country’s culture. Numerous families choose to take in a student from a country of their ancestral origin to learn more about their heritage!

-Most importantly, the positive impact you will leave this child’s life is indescribable.

I would love to answer more questions for you! Feel free to send a text or email!

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Madison Gasu

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