Bella’s little blessings (doula)

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Hello beautiful community, in need of a birth doula? Look no further! My name is Bella and I am offering my services as a certified birthing doula. I have 11+ years of experience in healthcare and strive to give exceptional patient care. I have experience in labor and delivery and assisted with both vaginal and c-section births. I have also been the doula for my daughter and sister in law. My passion is to help even more mothers bring their new bundles of love into the world, so mommies can just focus on the love and joy of their new little person. I know hospitals and patient rights, I will help you have the best birthing experience the way you picture it. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. Statistics show mothers have a better birthing experience when they have a doula during delivery than without one. I’m exactly what you are looking for! Hope to hear from you soon. 

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